

The salon sits quiet, as we visit twice weekly to coordinate our online orders. There’s no laughter coming from all directions. There’s no consulting about a new look. There are no discussions about which product will or won’t work at home for the stressed working mom. No one is learning how to blow dry to create a certain finished look. No photo shoots in the corner under the ring light completed with a hug or high five and contagious smile.

The break room is empty and clean which is nice, but it’s depressing. No personalities or music to argue about, no sign of a stylist.

We close our eyes and wish there were 20 different half drank coffee cups and energy drinks all over back counters. We find ourselves sadly missing the overflowing trash we complain about, the towels and capes that need to be tossed again or folded. All the color bowls  and brushes aren’t piling up in the sink. What we would give to hear, “Sheila you’re next guest is here!” or “who’s in the bathroom?!” or “LeBlanc can we please change the radio!?”

All these things make our salon home, our favorite place to be most times. We spend 8-12 hours a day together. We finish each other’s sentences, formulas and even phone calls. We are a family.

Our point is, our entire Salon Family has been affected by this quarantine more than just financially. We are fish out of water, we are lost without being knee deep in hair cutting and coloring. We are so sad that we can’t do your hair and NO, this is not a fun vacation. We can promise you that all of us Salon Rootz, are thinking about how much we want to be in the salon coordinating and creating beautiful hair.

When it is SAFE to perform services. When our community and families are HEALTHY. When this is over, we will continue to be this place for you as we provide you love, laughter, and authentic beauty.

We speak for all of our Salon Rootz team when we say we really, truly appreciate every kind word and supportive gesture! Our loyal guests, your patience and kind words feed our soul right now! Thank you from the bottom of our heart for loving our salon family!

Stay safe, Stay healthy, Stay home!

Jen & Sheila


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